Our PastorReverend Adam Edward Carnehl is our pastor. He originally hails from Palatine, Illinois, and came to New Jersey after serving in Minnesota for four years. Pastor Carnehl is married to Lisa and they have three children. Lisa teaches high school history at the American Christian School in Wharton, NJ, a classical academy. She received her B.A. from Concordia Chicago and her M.Ed. from the University of Glasgow. Rev Carnehl received his B.A. from Concordia University Chicago in philosophy, his M.Div. from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, his M.Th. from the University of Glasgow, and a certificate in Spiritual Direction from the School of Theology at St. John's University and Abbey in Collegeville, MN. Currently Pastor Carnehl is a PhD student at the University of Nottingham in England. His research is on the Lutheran writer J. G. Harmann and his philosophy of Scripture.
The Carnehls love passing along the faith to their children, and they often celebrate holy days and saints' days with feasting at home. They are also avid travellers, readers, gardeners, and board gamers. |